169: Cliffhangers



Cliffhangers are endings in stories that leave an audience in suspense.  The term cliffhanger originated in the 1930s from early film serials in which episodes ended with characters in desperate situations such as hanging off the edge of a cliff.

This episode explores why and how you can use cliffhangers in all your communication.

The reason to use them is simple and obvious. You do it to arouse and hold curiosity. Your aim should be to open curiosity loops and keep them open until late in your story, or at the end of it.

The word story refers to any intentional communication you have with people on or offline.

You will discover a powerful example of great cliffhangers in today’s episode. They are in the first two paragraphs of a short story called “Mrs. Kelly’s Monster,” by Jon Franklin.

Franklin is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who shows you how to use fiction writing techniques to engage people in true stories.

You will also learn about the use of of this magnetic force in:

  • News broadcasts
  • Email
  • Webinars
  • Live sales presentations

Your ability to master the effective use of cliffhangers in all your communication will help you win people’s attention, trust, and business.

Get excited about the cliffhanger, a simple powerful tool to enrich your life and business.

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