The latest posts
213: Fired Up
FIRED UP Today’s episode is an interview with Cody Byrns, a man with a jaw dropping inspiring story about overcoming horrific obstacles and achieving success and happiness. Cody’s story is a journey from hope, through darkness and pain, to growth and enrichment. Today, he is an internationally recognized speaker and #1 best selling author of…
216: Friday Story
FRIDAY STORY What is the Friday story? It’s the universal freedom cry of people who trade their time for money each week from Monday to Friday. The expression TGIF makes people smile and celebrate time away from responsibility and, often, boredom. But, is the Friday story something to smile about? It can be. And, it…
215: Your Worst Enemy
YOUR WORST ENEMY, Have you ever heard the expression; you are your worst enemy? You’ve heard it and probably have said it. This episode explores that expression that many of us regard as innocent. We take a close look at how those words impact our lives, and, often, steal our happiness. We also look at…
214: Power of Story
STORY POWER Never underestimate story power. A work of pure fiction has the power to enrich your life or to end it. Today, we live in a world where powerful narratives of division and hate are leading to death and destruction. One of the most powerful contemporary stories is the myth of white supremacy. Do…
212: Crazy Stories
CRAZY STORIES You’re probably familiar with the idea of self talk. Maybe, you’re too familiar with it. You just assume you know what it is, so you take it for granted. You understand self talk in your head. But, you don’t pay close attention to it in your daily life. Don’t worry. You are not…
211: Who Writes Your Story?
WHO WRITES YOUR STORY? Is your life based on lies, made-up stories, or noble beliefs? What if they are all the same thing? Then, the important question becomes, “Who writes your story?” This episode explore the idea that we all need stories to motivate and inspire our lives, and that all our beliefs serve to…
210: Zero Limits
ZERO LIMITS This episode takes a deeper dive into the premise of my podcast; it explores the idea that every thought you have, every word you speak, is a story or part of a story. That means that you are making up reality; you are making up and creating your life. You have the potential to…
209: Thoughts Are Things
THOUGHTS ARE THINGS Today’s episode is truly a game changing, story changing thing. You will learn why and how your thoughts are things; they are thought things. Thoughts are things is not just an analogy. It is literal. A thought is as much a thing as a hot burning coal, a shard of glass, or…
205: FOMO
FOMO It must be pretty widespread to have its own acronym. I’m talking about FOMO, the fear of missing out. Missing out on what? Anything. You name it. Not having the latest smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device. Not getting in on the prelaunch of a marketing guru’s latest course or product. Missing the deadline…
204: Stages of Truth
STAGES OF TRUTH The philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, gave us the concept of the three stages of truth. There’s a debate about whether or not it was Schopenhauer. That’s not what this podcast is about. This episode explores the brilliant observation that any new truth must pass through three stages before it is fully accepted and…