Entrepreneurs Podcasts

  • Word War


    THE BATTLE OF IF & WHEN They are two small everyday words. They have the power to determine your failure and success. The words are if and when. Make no mistake about it. They are at war. And you should care which one wins.

  • Dignity Zone


    What is your dignity zone? It’s a place where you feel trusted, respected, and safe. A dignity zone is more than a physical environment. It’s a state of being, an awareness that elevates your self esteem and defines a culture that lets you grow and thrive. Esther Weinberg, today’s podcast guest, has built her entrepreneurial success…

  • Escape Story


    This is an escape story. It’s about a clever man with an unquenchable thirst for freedom. His name is Alex Gluskin. He tricked the KGB and gamed the communist Soviet system to escape from Russia at the age of twenty-six. He loves talking about it. And, he’s a great storyteller. He will entertain you and enrich…

  • Freedom Story


    FREEDOM! We all want it. People fight for it. They live and die for it. So, we must all know what it is. The truth is that if you ask one hundred people to define freedom, you will get one hundred different answers. All of them are valid. All of them are right. The guest on…

  • Story Slaves


    How to tell your life story. Huh? “I don’t have a life story,” or, “My life story isn’t interesting,” or, “Only famous or remarkable people have a life story worth telling.” Did you just think one of those thoughts or some other variation? You’re perfectly normal if you did. And guess what? Those normal thoughts…

  • Digital Age Architecture


    Digital technology is revolutionizing our world. It’s transforming communication, transportation, sales, real estate, medicine, and every other industry that touches our lives. One of those industries is architectural design. Today’s guest is Bryan Luoma, an entrepreneur with a background in civil engineering. Bryan’s passion is helping businesses evolve in the 21st century. His expertise is computer-aided…

  • Laughter Heals


    Laughter heals wounds. Especially, emotional wounds. Some of the deepest wounds stem from the feeling that you are an outsider, a person who does not belong. Today’s guest, Hal Eisen, is a charming, handsome, loving, funny human being. He is a gift for making people laugh and feel really good. It’s a double edged gift.…

  • Own Your Power


    A WOMAN CLAIMS HER LIFE What does it mean to own your power? This podcast will answer that question and inspire you to live the life you deserve and not settle for anything less. Today’s guest is Edna Keep, an ordinary woman who accomplished extraordinary things by by having the courage to live her dream.…

  • 83: Create Or Destroy


    Create Or Destroy We all walk a fine line between creation and destruction. We choose one or the other by the way we react or respond to tough life experiences. Some people become hateful, vindictive, and destructive when someone or something hurts them badly. Then there are those who use pain as a source of…

  • 82: Disruption


    DISRUPTION We live in an age of disruption. And that’s a good thing. Technology is disrupting antiquated ways of living. It’s creating a more efficient, safer, and enlightened world. Entrepreneurs are disrupting our models of work, earning money, and transforming society. If you doubt any of these statements, read “Bold: How to Go Big, Create…